The Total Population of Mesa County is 157,987
Population Growth
(In thousands)
- 2011 - 150,720
- 2017 - 151,683
- 2013 - 152,444
- 2014 - 152,082
- 2015 - 151,247
- 2016 - 148,749
- 2017 - 149,506
- 2018 - 152,343
- 2019 - 152,275
- 2020 - 154,350
- 2021 - 157,335
- 2022 - 157,987
Age Distribution
- 0-9 - 17,232
- 10-19 - 19,460
- 20-26 - 18,896
- 30-39 - 20,034
- 40-49 - 17,364
- 50-59 - 17,914
- 60-64 - 10,793
- 65 - 31,377
- Median age 39.7
- 49.33% Male
- 50.67% Female
Offer Associate's Degree or Certificate
- 2 in the community
- 5 within 50 miles

Offer Bachelor's Degree or higher
- 1 in the community
- 3 within 50 miles
What are the top jobs by occupation?
- Sales - 8,322 - 13.1%
- Office & Admin 8,262 - 13%
- Executive, Managers 7,180 - 11.3%
- Food prep and serving 4,254 6.7%
- Business and Financial 4,035 6.35%
Income and spending
- Median Household Income - $57,652
- Per Capital Income - $30,898
- Median Net Worth - $139,919

Residents spend an average of 21 minutes commuting to work. Mesa County is served by 16 airports within 50 miles. Rail can be accessed by Amtrak within the community. Interstate I-70 is on the northern side of Grand Junction.
- Top State Corporate Income Tax - 4.55%
- Top State Corporate Capital Gains Tax - 4.63%
- Top State Personal Income Tax - 4.55%
- Top State Personal Capital Gains Tax - 4.63%
- State Sales Tax - 2.9%